GOHBA Design Awards Finalist

2022 GOHBA “People’s Choice Awards” Finalist

Park View Homes made it to the final round of finalist in the “People’s Choice Awards” for 2022 GOHBA Housing Design Awards with our "Luxurious Farm House" Custom Home (3,001 sq. ft. or more).

Luxurious Farm House

Vote Online:You can also vote online at gohbavote.ca from 9 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20, to 11:45 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 25. Vote In person: Cast your ballot at the GOHBA booth at the Ottawa Fall Home Show Sept. 22-25. All 187 entries in the Housing Design Awards will also be on display to offer inspiration for your next project and provide examples of renovators, designers, suppliers and builders you may be researching.

Read Article from: allthingshome.ca
